Wandering “Dude”

Formerly called the “Wandering Jew” - we hate that name - it is a staple in most plant collections. From its deep purple, forest green and silver shimmery leaves, to its cute seasonal flowers, we can see why this plant is so popular! While we adore the dark purple girl, we prefer her lighter pink sibling , known as “Nanouk”. They also have a light cream, mint green sibling that is a showstopper!

Common name: Wandering Dude, Nanouk

Botanical name: Tradescantia

Care tips for a happy plant:

Light: bright indirect light or eastern exposure (morning sun)

Soil: regular potting soil- we use Happy Frog

Water: let this babe dry out in between waterings - keeping it on an almost biweekly watering schedule

Humidity: not picky

Temperature: average household temps

Toxicity: toxic if consumed


Arrowhead Plant

