Rubber Tree
Rubber trees are a beautiful addition to any growing plant collection. They boast a variety of different colors, from the rich forest greens, the deep burgundies, and the lovely rubies and Tinekes. Propagating these guys does take a little patience, but it is possible!
Common Names: Rubber trees, rubber plant
Botanical Names: Ficus Elastica, Robusta, Decora, Burgundy, Tineke
Care tips for a happy plant:
Light: CAN be in some sunlight but really prefer an indirect light setting (my parents have a massive one in their house that lives in a Northeast corner and THRIVES)
Soil: regular potting soil- we use Happy Frog
Water: although full, these bushy babes have a relatively thin root system and want to stay on a week to week and a half watering schedule
Humidity: not picky
Temperature: average household temps
Toxicity: toxic to both humans and pets if consumed